氏  名

Sergio Mazzarelli

職  名


学  位
略  歴

Doctor of Philosophy (English) Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, U.K.


CALL, European Language Portfolio, Learner Autonomy, Media Studies, Moodle, Shakespeare


Academic English, Academic Writing, English Media Literacy, Special Lectures in English Literature I-II (Graduate Course)


The Japan Association for Language Teaching


【学術論文等】 ・“Audio-Recorded Speaking Assignments and Feedback via Moodle: Teacher and Student Perceptions.” Kwassui Bulletin, vol. 66, 2023, pp. 11-25. ・“Listening Journals: A Valuable Addition to Listening Classes.” Kwassui Bulletin: Faculty of Humanities, vol. 61, 2018, pp. 23-36. ・“The European Language Portfolio, Moodle, and Peer Evaluation: A Simplified Approach.” Kwassui Bulletin: Faculty of Humanities, vol. 59, 2016, pp. 93-107. ・“Using the European Language Portfolio and Moodle to Enhance Presentation Skills.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 58, 2015, pp. 105-122. ・“A Summary of a Teacher’s Experiences with Audio and Video in Moodle.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 57, 2014, pp. 35-48. ・“Piloting a Listening Test for Placement Purposes.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 54, 2011, pp. 15-20 (coauthored with Andrew Gorringe). ・“Narrated Video Slideshows and an International Class Exchange.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 51, 2008, pp. 15-42. ・“Piloting Moodle: The Experience of Two Kwassui Teachers and Their Students.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 49, 2006, pp. 63-85 (coauthored with Andrew Gorringe). Review of Shakespeare and Machiavelli, by John Roe. Studies in English Literature [The English Literary Society of Japan], English Number, vol. 46, 2005, pp. 207-14. ・“Ordinary Women and Virgin Queens: An Elizabethan Philosopher’s Beliefs about Women.” The Kwassui Review, vol. 48, 2005, pp. 27-51. ・“An Elizabethan Philosopher and Machiavelli.” Studies in English Literature [The English Literary Society of Japan], vol. 76, no. 1, 1999, pp. 1-11. 【著書等】 ・「『ヘンリー五世』におけるレトリックとマキアヴェリズム」[“Rhetoric and Machiavellianism in Henry V”].『シェイクスピアを読み直す』[Re-Reading Shakespeare], edited by Toshihiko Shibata, Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 2001, pp. 88-104 (coauthored with Etsuko Fukahori). ・“Contextualizing Shakespeare: The Renaissance Debate on the Nature of Slavery.” Hot Questrists after the English Renaissance: Essays in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, edited by Yasunari Takahashi, New York, AMS Press, 2000, pp. 269-87.


・Continuing Education: English Conversation Classes for Nagasaki Citizens (2014 Fall; 2015 Spring and Fall; 2017 Spring) ・長崎県教員免許状更新講習(中学校・高校英語)講師(2012年8月) ・Nagasaki JALT Membership Chair (2009-2012)



My classes often discuss topics related to modern society, media literacy, and media ethics. In addition, I originally specialized in Shakespeare studies, so I am always glad to help students who are interested in Shakespeare, English drama, or English literature in general. I would like students to become autonomous learners. To this effect, I have promoted the use of an adapted version of the European Language Portfolio at Kwassui Women’s University. I also like using technology to help students improve their English skills. For example, in 2005 I set up Kwassui’s Moodle website and I have been its administrator since then. Among other things, students use it to take part in forum discussions in English and to take quizzes about English books they read.